Tour Hollywood, Beverly Hills & More

Surf City Tours

A Message Regarding COVID-19 From Adam Duford, Owner Surf City Tours

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<deep breath>  Ok hi.  I’ve been going back and forth about this post for about a week now, but relieved to put fingers to keys and start typing.  We pride ourselves as being “the Fun Ones” here at Surf City Tours, and this is decidedly not a fun topic.  Instead of pretending it doesn’t exist I want to start a dialogue, be transparent and hopefully allay any concerns as best I can.

First and foremost I just want to say – for what it’s worth – from myself on down to everyone in the company; we are feeling what you are feeling.  We are vigilant, but are secure that we can safely come to work without risk to ourselves, our children or our loved ones.  That’s just a fact on a human level I want to relay.  If this changes I will be the first one to spread the word.

Anyway, down to the brass tacks.  Here’s what we’re doing in an abundance of caution according to the CDC’s recommendations.

  • Before each shift a disinfection of all surfaces on each vehicle.
  • Disinfecting wipes are available for every tour.
  • All blankets and other complimentary items are washed daily.
  • All of our vehicles will have CDC recommendations posted for guests to read over regarding coughing/sneezing into elbow, hand washing, and alerting us if a passenger doesn’t feel well, much like you might see in the airport.

Our vehicles seat a maximum of only 14 passengers, and we are currently advised on a state and national level that it is safe to travel in small group sizes such as these.

UPDATE: 3/16/2020: As of March 16th, Americans have been advised to avoid gatherings involving groups of 10 or more. We will continue to offer our services to the community as long as it is deemed safe. Our tours that do go out will be capped at 9 people. Additionally I have decided to begin offering private tours for groups of 3 or larger at regular ticket-price to help maintain social distancing.

Below I’ve posted the CDC link we’re following for the latests updates. We will be checking for updates continually every day and will keep all guests with reservations informed if anything were to change.

I’ll never forget this place in the East Village I stumbled across after a week without power and water in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. We ate by candle light, and obviously the pickings were slim but to see the owner and her skeleton crew hustle about to give us a little taste of normalcy I’ll be forever grateful. Sightseeing is not food. But being a resource for that same feeling of normalcy is a goal for us as we move forward.

I’m more than happy to address any concerns myself at

CDC COVID-19 Prevention Recommendations

Adam Duford
CEO_Surf City Tours
good times + integrity + sustainability
